Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer Cinema!

I have a lot of fun with my seasonal movie watching! I watch certain movies at specific times of the year (ask anyone who knows me how seriously I take this!) and these are a few of my favorite summer titles:

1. The Indiana Jones trilogy (Kingdom of the Crystal What?): Indiana Jones means adventure, and adventure is a big summer theme for me!
2. Gidget Goes Hawaiian: I like the first Gidget movie too, but the Hawaiian setting and colorful characters give the second Gidget movie an edge!
3. Do The Right Thing: Spike Lee's film about racial tension on the hottest day of the year. Not exactly happy and uplifting, but an excellent film nonetheless.
4. Stand By Me: Probably one of the best coming-of-age movies ever
5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Yeah, there's quite a bit of Steven Spielberg on this list. His movies remind me of my childhood, and I'm always nostalgic in summertime. This one's definitely a favorite.
6. The Sandlot: This movie holds up so well for was one of the first movies I remember seeing in a theatre and I still watch it every year.
7. Beach Blanket Bingo: My favorite of the Annette Funicello/Frankie Avalon movies...pure silliness.
8. Jaws: I just rewatched this one after seeing the annual fireworks in my city on the 3rd of July, and I think that might've been the perfect time. It's insane to me that Spielberg was 27 when he made this's perfect.
9. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: Another perfect film. This one makes me cry! So good.
10. Grease: With a song called Summer Lovin', how could I not include this one?
11. The Goonies: Indiana Jones meets Stand By Me? Haha
12. Signs: The wind blowing through the cornfields reminds me of hot summer nights...say what you will about M. Night Shyamalan, he made decent movies once (twice?)

What are your favorite summer films?

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